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Browse our wide range of used machinery and equipment for sale. Buy and sell used industrial machinery and equipment.

Mitsubishi MELDAS 530 AM cnc control Year 2000 Tecmac Sk -1260 Table dimension : 520x1400 Axis x = 1200mm Axis y = 600 mm Axis z = 600 mm Spindle attack = BT40 spindle rotation speed 60-80000 r.p.m. feed rate max (x,y,z) = 18m/min feed rate milling = 5-5000 mm-min power motor spindle : 15kw stock : 24 spindle total weight kg. 6500 kgs Dimensions 3200x2550x2620 mm Technical condition : goods. You can visit us and see the machine. I sell the machine to switch to a larger The machine is complete of all the manuals use and maintenance + programming manual ( English languages ) , is CE marked Also:Mitsubishi – MAF 180C With Right Angle & Universal Heads Mitsubishi MHT13/1250 PAMA Speedram 2000/3  Mitsubishi MHT13/1618  Toshiba BTD-13F.R22  Toshiba BP-130.R22   Toshiba BP-150.R22 Toshiba BF-130B  Rotary Table  Mitsubishi MAF-RS150BRotary Table  Toshiba BF-130B Mitsubishi MHT13/1618  Toshiba BP-150.R22  Pama Speedmat 3/TR25  Mitsubishi – MVR43/49DXWith Right Angle & Universal Heads  Mitsubishi MVR30 With Right An le Head SNK RB-5VM  With Right Angle Head SNK RB-6VM  With Right Angle & Universal Heads  SNK RB-7VM With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK RB-7VM  With Right Angle & Universal Heads Mitsubishi MUR35  With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK HF-7M  With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK RB-7VM  With Right Angle & Universal Heads PAMA Speedmat 4/160 With Right Angle Head Niigata HN80D  PAMA Speedmat  /TR16  Toshiba BMC-1000  Ikegai TU40   Browse our wide range of used machinery and equipment for sale. Buy and sell used industrial machinery and equipment.   

Posizione: Spain
Produttore: Mitsubishi
Tipo: Metallo
Anno: 2000
Prezzo: 13000

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