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Trumpf Trumatic TC L 3030 3,0 kW Laser Machine

- CNC: Bosch C220 - laser power: 3.0 kW - hour of practical work: 74 130 h - hour of practical laser beam: 36 100 h - working area: 3000 x 1500 mm - the maximum chisel metal production is: 15 mm - max. stainless steel cutting capacity: 8 mm - the maximum amount of cutting aluminum: 6 mm - head for cutting: 5 ”oraz 7.5” - working axis X axis: 3000 mm - working head along axis Y: 1500 mm - working head along axis Z: 115 mm - maximum visibility in one axis: 60 m / min. - maximum visibility instantly: 85 m / min. - Shortest hat for programs: 0.01 mm - vidkhil vid positsionuvannya: + -0.1 mm - middle rosip positsiononuvannya: + -0,03 mm - Rik Vigotovlennya: 1996

Location: Germany
Producer: Trumpf
Type: Metal
Year: 2010
Price: On request

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