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Haas EC1600 YZT Basically new! We installed the machine 5 years ago, before that the machine had been standing without being used for a year. The machine has been used approx.80% of dayshift which gives approx. in total 6000 hours. The machine is in top condition, and has been fully served once a year by Haas certified service staff. CM Haas DM Haas DM Haas DT-1 Haas DT-2 Haas EC 1600 Haas  EC-300 Haas EC-400 Haas EC-500 Haas EC-550 Haas EC-630 Haas ES-5 Haas GR-510 Haas GR-712 Haas HS-1 Haas HS-2 Haas MDC-500 Haas MINI Haas MINI 2 Haas MINIMILL Haas MINIMILL HE Haas OM-2A Haas SR-100 Haas SUPER MINI HaasSUPER MINI 2 Haas  SUPER MINIMILL Haas TM-2 Haas TM-3 Haas UMC-350 HD Haas UMC-500 HaasUMC-500SS Haas  UMC-750 Haas VF Haas  VF-10 Haas VF-11 Haas VF-12 Haas VF-1B Haas VF-1D HaasVF-2 Haas VF-2SS-V Haas VF-3 Haas VF-3APC Haas VF-3BYT Haas VF- 3SSAPC Haas VF-4 HaasVF-5 Haas  VF-5D40TR Haas VF-6 Haas VF-7 Haas VF-7D40 Haas VF-8 Haas  VF-9 Haas VF-E HaasVF-O Haas VM-2 Haas VM-3 Haas VM-3 MOLD MAKER Haas VM-6 Haas  VR-11 Haas VR-8 Haas VR-9 Haas VS-3 Haas 

Location: Finland
Producer: Haas
Type: Kovina
Year: 2012
Price: On request

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