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    We are currently looking for such machines:
    Brückenkran 20 tonnen |HAUSR S50 CNC |Maver glass MV SKL 370 |DISH END FLANGING MACHINE |BATTENFELD UNILOG B2 TM 1000/525 or equivalent ? |ESAB Combirex DX 3000 2012 year |Zoller tool presetter|SAACKE|Walter|Schutte|ANCA|ROLLOMATIC|VOLLMER universal tool grinding machines |MAAG SH100 |Tetra Therm Aseptic VTIS |NILPETER MO3300 |HAAS VF9-50 and VF6-50 |Okuma MA600HII |Okuma ma 600 hb |Italpack packaging machine |Elumatec SBZ 151 |
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