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Mitsubishi MELDAS 530 AM cnc control Year 2000 Tecmac Sk -1260 Table dimension : 520x1400 Axis x = 1200mm Axis y = 600 mm Axis z = 600 mm Spindle attack = BT40 spindle rotation speed 60-80000 r.p.m. feed rate max (x,y,z) = 18m/min feed rate milling = 5-5000 mm-min power motor spindle : 15kw stock : 24 spindle total weight kg. 6500 kgs Dimensions 3200x2550x2620 mm Technical condition : goods. You can visit us and see the machine. I sell the machine to switch to a larger The machine is complete of all the manuals use and maintenance + programming manual ( English languages ) , is CE marked Also:Mitsubishi – MAF 180C With Right Angle & Universal Heads Mitsubishi MHT13/1250 PAMA Speedram 2000/3 Mitsubishi MHT13/1618 Toshiba BTD-13F.R22 Toshiba BP-130.R22 Toshiba BP-150.R22 Toshiba BF-130B Rotary Table Mitsubishi MAF-RS150BRotary Table Toshiba BF-130B Mitsubishi MHT13/1618 Toshiba BP-150.R22 Pama Speedmat 3/TR25 Mitsubishi – MVR43/49DXWith Right Angle & Universal Heads Mitsubishi MVR30 With Right An le Head SNK RB-5VM With Right Angle Head SNK RB-6VM With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK RB-7VM With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK RB-7VM With Right Angle & Universal Heads Mitsubishi MUR35 With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK HF-7M With Right Angle & Universal Heads SNK RB-7VM With Right Angle & Universal Heads PAMA Speedmat 4/160 With Right Angle Head Niigata HN80D PAMA Speedmat /TR16 Toshiba BMC-1000 Ikegai TU40 Browse our wide range of used machinery and equipment for sale. Buy and sell used industrial machinery and equipment.Used CNC Machines for Sale Cheap. Here you can find high quality Second Hand Computer numerical control (CNC) machinery.Used machines from international sellers at competitive pricesMachinery to process or make a product from raw materials. Assembly, Inspection, injectors, calibration equipment, including parts, tools and supplies.We buy and sell used industrial metalworking machinery! With a large variety of machines and more than 200 items available, contact us for further
Price: 13000